Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Don't Blink!

Today is a good day.  Do you ever have that feeling that things are just going right, and that your kids are in a good place?  Today is that day for me.  It makes me very happy, mixed with a touch of sadness.  My son is 21, almost 22, and he is becoming a fine young man.  He has grown a lot this year, and learned some valuable lessons.  It's a good thing!  If he had gone through what he went through this year without learning the lessons, that would not be good :)   I am reminded today of all of his funny little things he said as he was growing up.  He's always been such a clown.  A little stubborn and moody, but his attitude always came around to where he needed to be, and the sweet little boy I raised comes back to me!

My daughter is a senior in high school, and deep into the throws of planning her college life and beyond.  She's making lists of everything she wants in her dorm.  Today she texted me a picture of the silverware she wants.  I'm beginning to think that she thinks she's getting 'new' everything.  Wrong :)  I'll cross that bridge later :)

I saw this post on Pinterest, and I immediately fell in love with it.  I'm going to run over to the store later today and get these mini frames, and make this.  I want to capture the photos of the kids throughout the years, and hang as a reminder of the fun that we've had, and the great kids we have raised.  I know the future chapters in my life will be just as good as the past ones, but my mamma nostalgia is kicking in and I want to hold on to what I have now.  It seems like time is accelerating, and I don't want to miss one minute!  Don't blink :)

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